Urban Development

The Workshop was led by the Ministry of Urban Development and Housing. Ibn-E-Sina R&D Centre has only received a summary of the topic which were discussed during this workshop and they are as follow: Ibn-E-Sina R&D Centre performs researches in different field. This it organized and hosted a international conference on economic development of Afghanistan on November the 6th, 7th and 8th of 2023. In this conference national and international experts participated. The ministry of UD&H of IEA was represented by:

  • His Excellency Sheikh Hamdullah Noumani, the honourable minister of UD&H of IEA;
  •  The Director of investments regulation of ministry of UD&H.
  • The Director of New Kabul City.
  • The Director of Economic Zones.
  • The Director of infrastructures.
  • The Manager of Perozi Project.
  • Several officials of Ministry of UD&H.

During this workshop the following presentations were presented about:

  • New Kabul City.
  • Perozi Project.
  • Economic Zones.


Besides, there were wide discussions on the following issues:
  1. Draft a comprehensive development plan: prepare the draft of a comprehensive national development plan with inclusion of development of all sector of economy like education, agriculture, transport, tourism, energy, water and others.
  2. Avoidance of unplanned development: drafting regional and urban planning; for avoidance of unplanned development one should draft laws and regulations.
  3. Reconstruction of Infrastructure: For the sake of better life standard transport infrastructure including transport terminals and logistical parks should be set up.
  4. Construction of all new residential, industrial, offices and other buildings should be done according to standards with taking account all natural disasters, including like earthquakes.
  5. Drafting of strategic plans for the provinces and transformation of areas constructed without planning to planned areas in long term.

  6. Human Capacity Re-Building: To achieve this goal contracts should be signed with other countries and private sector should build universities and professional centres.

  7. Re-Building of economic zones: On the country level the road-maps should be written for the economic zones.

  8. To promote tourism sector: Construction of recreation economic parks by stimulation of private sector to invest in them.
  9. Mechanisation of Agriculture, Creation of economic zones, foundation of agriculture bank.